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Bonjour a tous!

My name is Nikki and I am the founder of Le Domaine 16. Welcome and thank you for visiting. So, to explain a little about this newly registered and local enterprise…

It’s fair to say that from time to time we all experience the feeling of needing another pair of hands. Whether we are pushed for time, motivation or simply out of steam! This is where LD16 can help.

From a light dusting in the lounge to a days’ hard graft in the garden, LD16 can come to your rescue. Perhaps you haven't had chance to clean out the chickens, weed that border or finish a pile of ironing. Maybe you need to entrust your home (and pets) to someone whilst you’re away or need assistance with a fast tidy turnaround in your Gite business.
LD16 (CRB checked) can provide you with the comfort of knowing that your assets are in safe hands.

I pride myself on the integrity of Le Domaine 16 in delivering a thorough service, yet without intrusion. Always friendly, always hard working and always having time for a chat and a good cuppa!

It would be lovely to meet you soon. Nikki

Siret number: 94975277800017



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Pet Sitting

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House Sitting

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Gite Changeover

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